No Tickets Required but Donations are Welcome
Click on the individual events below to get the full details.
Join us for Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah Services at the Washington Ethical Society building.
Donate to High Holiday Tzedakah
Giving tzedakah (charitable donations) is a long-standing Jewish custom at the High Holidays. Every year, Fabrangen selects several charitable organizations that we recommend for your holiday giving. Bundling your donations through Fabrangen increases our impact on the recipient organizations.
This year’s recipients are Project Hope, the ID Ministry at Foundry United Methodist Church, The TraRon Center, and Friends of Standing Together – More Info.
Support Fabrangen’s High Holiday Services
Combine your Tzedakah donations with a donation to Fabrangen. Our services are always open to everyone for free, but we encourage you to donate to Fabrangen to support our High Holiday Services. Because of increased security and technology costs, we suggest a donation of $180 per adult.