How does Fabrangen celebrate Passover?
Passover (Hebrew: פֶּסַח Pesach) commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. It is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays.
Sell your Chametz
Fabrangen offers you the opportunity to virtually “sell” any chametz that you have in your home during Passover.
Click to download the form for Delegation of Power for Sale of Chametz
Passover Services
Fabrangen holds Passover services on the 1st day of Passover and on the 7th day of Passover.
Second Night Passover Community Seder
Fabrangen typically holds a Community -wide Seder on the second night of Passover.
Check the events calendar for more details.
A Hopeful Passover Cookbook
Now in its second edition, A Hopeful Passover has 31 new pages of Passover recipes and Seder musings from members of Fabrangen. Proceeds from the sale of this cookbook are dedicated to Project Hope, a Fabrangen volunteer project, which has provided long-term support to formerly homeless families in our city since 1988.
Cost: $18 per copy plus $6 for mailing per copy
Pay by Check: Please make out your check to “Fabrangen Project Hope” and mail it to: Fabrangen 7750 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20012
Pay by Online – via Paypal or Credit/Debit